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The Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium - 2009 水科学网

新闻 - 新闻信息 - The Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium - 2009

The Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium - 2009

新闻信息  加入时间:2008/8/12 18:28:54  waterscience  点击:2709


Symposium Secretary:    Ms. Lee Cornfield;           Fax: 972-4-822-8898
Chair:               Prof. Avi Shaviv;             Phone: 972-4-829-2602
                            E-mail - agshaviv@tx.technion.ac.il
Co-Chair                   Prof. Ramesh Kanwar;     Phone: 1-515-294-1434                                E-mail - rskanwar@iastate.edu
Website:                    http://dgsymp09.technion.ac.il/

Preliminary Registration Form

Mrs. Lee Cornfield
Faculty of  Civil & Environmental Engn.
Dept. Environmental Water and Agricultural Engn.
Haifa 32000, Israel
Fax: 972-4-8228898
Institute and affiliation:
I intend to participate in the Dahlia Greidinger Symposium on "Crop Production in the 21st Century: Global Climate Change, Environmental Risks and Water Scarcity" to be held in Haifa, March 2009.
I am interested in Topic/Sub-topics:
I would like to present a poster / paper on:
Fax:                                   E-mail:
Please distribute this circular among colleagues and friends who might be interested


主办:中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会    Email: WaterForum@163.com
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